Brother and Sister Bear are excited about the coming of Christmas, when they will perform in a pageant and receive presents, but they also learn an important lesson about giving to others.
Brother, Sister, and Honey Bear know more about Easter candy than Easter itself until their Sunday School teacher, Missus Ursula, takes them to see a passion play performed by another class.
The Bears are on a steam train trip across Bear country. Mama and Papa enjoy the scenery but the cubs want to learn about the train. With luck, Grizzly Jones might let them blow the train whistle.
Taking a driving trip with their family in Grizzly Gramps' pickup truck, the Berenstain cubs are amazed by the wide variety of trucks they see on their journey and learn about the important jobs that each vehicle performs.
When Brother and Sister try out for soccer teams, Papa is at first disappointed that they do not want to play baseball, but he changes his mind when he sees them practice.
Annoyed that Sister Bear always beats them at baseball and other "boy" type activities, her brother and the other male cubs try to exclude her from their new club.
Sister Bear enjoys Christmas preparations, especially getting her list ready--but on Christmas morning she realizes what Christmas is really all about.
Concerned that the family is spending too much time in front of the television and neglecting other activities, Mama Bear decides that there will be no television watching for one week.