Sisters in time
Time Period: 1931
Twenty-five percent unemployment, food lines, banks and businesses closing...
The Great Depression was not only a national catastrophe, but a personal one, as well.Follow the fictional story of Anna Harrington to see how this time of upheaval affected a twelve-year-old girl who saw her friends and acquaintances devastated by economic events.
Written especially for eight- to twelve-year-old girls, this very personal story
...Time Period: 1844
Slavery is a growing issue in the United States of the 1840s...but Meg Buehler can only think about drawing. This fictional twelve year old, an aspiring artist, is frustrated when her family, much more concerned with practical living and politics, can't understand her desire to create. Especially for girls ages eight to twelve, this poignant story shares the struggles and triumphs of a girl distant in time but close in spirit-while